So today we ‘head to the mall’ to obtain a classy and gorgeous brand new wardrobe to fill our heart’s closet! What are you imagining? Something bright? Something cheery? ~~~Ready?
As we start our trip to the ‘mall’ in Colossians 3:12, we see that it begins with a description that reminds us of who we are in Christ. ‘Holy and dearly beloved’ means we are set apart BY God, set apart FOR God, AND…we are dearly loved by God. I’d say that is some pretty good motivation to ‘put on’ this special new wardrobe, don’t you think? That was exactly Paul’s point!
Let’s create a ‘shopping list’ by checking out a few of the requirements for our new wardrobe. I think it may involve more than one quick day of shopping!
First we see tender-mercies. This involves compassion and having tender, heart-felt sympathy. In Philippians 2:1 the same word is translated as affection and mercy. Please check out my archives section for my blog segment Comfort Zone (February, 2011). It includes a more in-depth study on compassion from the Mary/Martha Series.
Next, we find kindness, which involves benevolence (a disposition to do good) in action. It includes the idea of goodness, kindliness, and graciousness. Ephesians 4:32 (Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted...) speaks of the same concept.
The next two words, humility and gentleness, are interesting. They were not considered virtues in the pagan world. They were actually considered to be signs of weakness in a culture that worshipped strength and power. However, they soon became two of Christianity’s greatest virtues. I think this makes it a perfect example of the put-off/put-on concept. Remember, we are NEW CREATURES in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)!
Humility basically involves a lowly attitude toward God. It is seeing ourselves as we really are as compared to the Righteous and Holy God. Take a moment sometime to read Philippians 2:3 or 1 Peter 5:5 for more on godly humility.
Gentleness (or meekness), on the other hand, involves a lowly attitude towards others. Meekness is often looked upon as a quality of weakness in today's culture. Due to the negative connotation of this word, I think we will stop here today and look at meekness in more detail next week.
So, we have done enough shopping for one day! Do you like your new ‘outfits’? I think they look great on you!!!
Take opportunity this week to wear your new loving, kind, and humble ‘outfits’. Others will notice!
Word Studies taken from Bible Knowledge Commentary and Expositor's Bible Commentary