Last week we began looking at two mild, yet impactful commands Paul used to encourage the Colossian believers in their new found Christian lives. These commands are in God’s Word to encourage us to keep our heart’s closets clean and fresh.
We looked specifically at Colossians 3:15 and learned that in order to keep our closets clean and fresh, we must ALLOW the Peace of Christ to rule in our hearts. We must allow the Peace of Christ to be the final judge in the tough circumstances we often face with one another.
Today, as we look at verse 16, we see the encouraging command to allow God’s Word to dwell richly in our hearts personally and collectively.
I like the way the editors of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary elaborate on this passage. The message of Christ, God’s Word, should “…become so deeply implanted within us that it controls our thinking.” God’s Word should be so much a part of us that it controls our thoughts, our attitudes, and therefore, our actions. Specifically, according to verse 16, the Christian principles that we have hidden in our hearts (Psalm 119:11) should be expressed in our thoughts, which in turn affect the songs that we find ourselves humming and singing subconsciously throughout the day. When God's Word indwells us in this way, it allows us to regularly be in a spirit of worship, therefore affecting our attitude and actions towards others, like those we are commanded to 'forbear'! (That is an OUCH!) That is having the Word of God implanted deeply in our hearts and minds! Wouldn't you agree?
In the Bible Knowledge Commentary, the writers compare this to a mountain spring bubbling forth with fresh, pure water. When God’s Word flows through us and springs forth from our hearts, we can teach and admonish (counsel and encourage) one another with true wisdom that only comes from above.
Both verses 15 and 16 begin with the imperative “let”, or allow. This is something we CHOOSE to do. We must CHOOSE to allow the Peace of Christ to rule. We must CHOOSE to allow God’s Word to dwell (pitch a tent and make itself at home) richly (like a great treasure) within our hearts. (Word Study by W. Wiersbe, Be Complete and Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary).
This is how we keep our closets clean and fresh and how we can continue to wear those lovely outfits we think are so hard to put on!
Next week, we will look at the concept of thanksgiving and gratitude which are imbedded within these two verses.
Allow this great treasure to make itself at home in our life!
It's our choice,