Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog Anniversary!

Well, it has been a year since I started writing Light Thoughts- Light Thoughts from the WORD that Lights my Path.  I must say, I am quite proud of myself for sticking with this project throughout 2011. 

If you recall from my first segment, I was concerned about my writing style and the conflicting comments from Journalism and Composition teachers in the past. I have seen my writing sway back and forth from the simple to the descriptive throughout the two main series on which I have centered. Actually, I have noticed when I am getting too simple and when I veer to the fun style. I have enjoyed the fun, frilly moments and miss it when it doesn’t seem to fit with topic.

I really enjoyed the research that went into the Mary/Martha Saga. That one really impacted my philosophy of ministry. It has been such a relief to discover I don’t have to ‘do it like everyone else’ to be effective. I trust discovering the differences in Mary and Martha has encouraged you in your seemingly weak areas as well.

As we moved to Colossians for Christie, it was my goal that this basic study of Colossians 3 would motivate you in your Christian growth. Using the wardrobe theme was fun! 

I trust the continued study of Colossians, as well as future series, will continue to be a blessing, a motivation, and an encouragement in your Christian walk.

I’m looking forward to another year of sharing Light Thoughts with you!


Friday, December 23, 2011


Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas~Love, Debbie (and Greg)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Part Two: Here we Come!

As we move into Part 2 of our “Colossians for Christie” study of Colossians chapter 3, we recall that this section of Colossians provides excellent material and direction for a discipleship study for  new believers.

Discipleship is just that~Biblical guidance for a new believer. It answers the questions posed by my “Christie” and new believers everywhere~~ “-Now what?”

Colossians 3:1-4 (picking up on the theology –theory- of salvation taught throughout chapter 2) reviews just what salvation is all about. Believers have been raised with Christ (It is the power of the resurrection that actually allows for salvation) and have been hidden (positioned) with Christ. Therefore, believers should now set their hearts and minds on the things of Christ. A change has taken place in the believer’s life, now a change must take place in her lifestyle. That is the first concept that the new believer must understand.

So, new believer, now that you have become a new person in Christ, there are things in your life that must become new as well. As a new person, your attitude, outlook, philosophy, and your actions must become new. A new you means…a new you.

The purpose of verses 5-14 is to provide direction as to what these changes entail in order to develop this new you. Paul provides specific guidelines and commands as to what you must now do to bring about these changes.

Verses 15-17 provide the encouragement and motivation that reminds you of the resources you have in Christ so that you CAN make those changes and become the new you.

The lessons of verses 1-17 are not gender/age/status/culture specific (see verse 8) and can be used in discipleship for both male and female.  However, since Paul used the word picture of putting off and putting on, I have written this with a closet/wardrobe/accessory theme. Therefore we can say that Part One of “Colossians for Christie” was written as discipleship teaching for adult women who have recently come to Christ as young (older) adults. It was written to encourage these new believers to clean out their old stale and musty 'closets' and start afresh!

However, Chapter 3 is not finished. Paul has not completed his discipleship training for the new Colossian believers just yet.

Verses 5-17 may have been written to encourage all new believers to make those lifestyle changes that come with one’s new life in Christ. However, Paul becomes more specific as he concludes this discipleship section through Colossians 4:6. He emphasizes that there are also changes to be made within the family and in the workplace.

Thus, ladies, we cannot conclude “Colossians for Christie” without taking some time to consider the teaching of 3:18.

There is a lot of controversy and negative connotation in today’s society when it comes to this verse. However, I think if we take the time to look into what submission REALLY means and determine what it DOESN’T mean, we can allow this section to become part of the ‘new you’ as well.

I have already done a lot of study on this topic, and I am excited to share what I have discovered. Ladies, I guarantee you, although it may seem difficult to grasp, it will be exciting!

Hang on!

(Entries from Part One can be seen in the archives section.)

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Final Motivation

In my last entry, we discussed how important thankfulness was as a motivation for wearing our Colossians 3 outfits.

Well, as we come to the end of the first section of "Colossians for Christie" from Colossians chapter 3, I would like to wrap it up with Wiersbe’s concluding paragraph to this chapter in his book, Be Complete. He, too, emphasizes the motivation behind our choices.

                “Since we are united with Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have all the resources we need for holy living. But we must be spiritually motivated. Because we have experienced the grace of Christ, we want to live for Him. Because we have enjoyed the peace of Christ, we want to obey Him. We have been enriched by the Word of Christ, and ennobled by the name of Christ; therefore, we want to honor and glorify Him.” He then asks, “Can we desire any higher motivation?

Now, please allow me to go back through that quote and add some side notes that will hopefully continue to encourage each of you as to the importance of a clean, fresh ‘closet’

FACT: 'Since we are united with Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we have all the resources we need for holy living.'

FAILURE: But we still blow it!

FACE THE FACTS: Again, we have ALL the resources we need for holy living. 'We have been enriched by the Word of God, ennobled (been made noble in God’s sight) by the name of Christ', therefore we have no excuses!

FIELD TRIP: We have experienced the Grace of Christ. Think on that one for a while. I challenge you to think back on your life and consider how has the Grace of Christ has blessed and comforted throughout your life?

“Can we desire any higher motivation?”

Let’s add one more piece of alliteration:

FREE GIFT: If you cannot claim the statements above as a part of your life~this Grace CAN be yours as well, as a free gift from the Creator of the Universe. Scripture teaches in Romans 3:23 that we all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, or standard. Romans 6:23 teaches that the wages, or punishment for our sinful condition is death. BUT, Romans 5:8 teaches that even when we were yet sinners (in our most sinful state), Christ died for us. He took that punishment we all deserved. 

God just asks one thing: That we trust His Word, and call upon the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness and Salvation. 

Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

That grace and those resources that enable believers to live a life of graciousness and peace can be yours as well.

For the rest of us, remember, although some of those new outfits may seem difficult to put on~with the God’s grace, Christ’s peace, the Word’s direction, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance we can wear each of our new outfits gracefully. I encourage you to take a moment and reread Colossians 3:1-17.

Stay tuned for Part Two~if you are brave enough!
