Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Take Courage~Take Charge~Take Initiative

Someone has paid you a compliment…They have patted you on the back and expressed their deep appreciation for what you are doing…They have thanked you immensely for the impact you are having on others…Someone is ‘singing your praises’.

You have humbly replied with a gracious ‘thank you.

Now what? You can’t get those dear words out of your mind. Maybe in your humility you are doubting the sincerity of their encouragement? Maybe you are left thinking, “If all that is true, what should I do about it?”

Take heart, because King Asa experienced the same thoughts in 2 Chronicles 15.

Things were going great for the Land of Judah under King Asa. He was doing ‘right in the sight of the Lord’ and the Lord was blessing and protecting Judah. King Asa was doing a good job, and God sent a message to him through the Prophet Azariah~a message to encourage Asa to ‘keep up the good work!’

Don’t you like getting those messages every once in a while when you get tired or burnt out?

As Azariah concluded his message, he stated, “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded” (verse 7).  What motivating and encouraging words those must have been to King Asa!

So much so that the very next verse says that, “When Asa heard these words…he took courage.” 

However, when I was reading this passage, somehow my eyes read, “When Asa heard these words…he took charge.”  I responded with “WOW! You go King Asa…”  Then I realized my misread. But, when you think about it, is there really a difference?  Maybe when we take courage, we should take charge~~take some initiative and do something?????

I looked up the word initiative, combined a couple of definitions,  added my own little tweaks, and came up with this definition:

The energy and ability to take the first step to get the ball rolling in an effort to improve a situation or to bring about a fresh approach.

As you continue reading through chapter 15, you see that King Asa did just that. He continued to rid the land of idols, and he continued to honor God. God continued to use King Asa in a great and mighty way.

He acted on the encouraging words from the Lord through Azariah…and did something with the energy and abilities God had given him!

What about you? Has the Lord used someone to give you a word of encouragement? Then take courage! Or, should I say, ‘take charge’?”

My word of encouragement to you:

 “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

You go girl! (or guy!)


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Don't Breach the Dam

What do pictures of a dam breach and an example from my grandkids have in common?  Proverbs 17:14~that’s what!   

I have heard and seen pictures of dam breaches in news stories of floods and hurricanes. I recall the devastation that was left behind. But something about last night’s news coverage from the breached dam in Boulder, Co. left me thinking, “THAT’S what a breached dam is!  It was that perfect picture that showed it all…what happened and what it left behindall in one shot!

Then this morning I read from Proverbs 17 (since this is September 17th). Verse 14 states,

 “Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam: so drop the matter before a quarrel breaks out.”  

Of course, the first thing I pictured was the shot from last night’s news story.  All the sudden the familiar verse took on a whole new meaning!  I thought, “Ah Hu…LightThoughts topic!~Now I need an illustration.”

Then that came to me as well.

Now, I would like to be the first to tell you that I have the world’s most perfect grandchildren…but…

I started thinking about their arguments~~(you know the three-side kind that don’t seem to end),

Then he…
     But you…
         Did not…
              Did too…

and all the times I have said, “Just drop it…it’s over”.  Is it just my grandkids, or is it kids in general?…they don’t drop it! One of them always seems to make one more comment…and it gets the whole ball rolling again!  Sound familiar?

Proverbs 17:14 reminds us that these kinds of never-ending arguments just continue to bring heartache (and headaches!) and ultimate disaster.

A dam breach can either take place when the river has reached its limit and overflows the dam. You see the water rising and know what is about to happen in the next few hours. There is enough time to evacuate and protect your property. There is enough time to save some of the damage.  Or, the river comes on with such force that it bursts through the dam with very little warning.
An argument works in the same way. It can either go on way too long, and everyone knows that hurt feelings, heartache, and long-lasting grudges are going to take place. ‘Evacuations’ are encouraged, yet often ignored. Or, an argument can so quickly and unexpectedly get out of hand that serious damage is done before either party ‘knows what hit them’. Either way, breaching the dam is dangerous, painful, and often life-changing.

Solution? The second half of this synthetic proverb…"So drop the matter before a dispute breaks out."

 My grandchildren’s arguments do finally end, usually with no harm done. By the time we get home they are laughing and are friends again. 

Not so with adult arguments...

They are usually much more sophisticated in nature (although often just as immature) and create deeper and more long-lasting effects.

Who are you mad at? Are you currently involved in an argument/disagreement with someone that just doesn’t seem to end?  Drop it (find a way to bring it to an end)…before the dam breaches. The damage could be heart-breaking…and devastating.

Grandma said, “Drop it!”


Friday, September 6, 2013

Pardon the Interruption

Well, I am reading through 2 Chronicles~again! Reason number one, it really is an interesting book, with some ‘comical’, yet thought-provoking situations. Reason number two, as I read through the last time, I kept telling myself, “I’m going to remember that for my SS class”-and I did, as it fit into my Old Testament lessons right at the moment~or, to use in a LightThought or some other situationYep, you guessed it, I couldn’t remember where all the different passages were! I should have marked them, journalled them or written them down somewhere! So, I am reading it again~and will do a better job. 

It just so happened, like it always does in God’s Word, something new popped out! I did not notice the impact and/or possible humor in 2 Chronicles 5:14 in previous readings. Of course it is only humorous if you take it to heart! 

Solomon had completed the new Temple, furnishings were being brought in, and the priests and the Levites were running around ‘like chickens with their heads cut off’ trying to prepare for the special dedication service. 

As you can read in the preceding verses, detailed plans were set in motion as the service began. Musicians, decked out in their finest clothing, starting the service in praise with cymbals, harps, and lyres.  A massive choir joined with 120 trumpeteers singing, “HE is good…HIS mercy endures forever”. Solomon was getting ready to address the nation and dedicate this glorious Temple to the LORD GOD.  

Everything was going along beautifully! I am sure everything was right on schedule! The worship leader and Solomon must have been extremely pleased with how things were going….THEN

(verse 14) the priests could no longer perform their duties (the service could not even continue) because the GLORY of the LORD filled the Temple of God!

Everything came to a standstill…Oh no! Now what do we do? We can’t see our music! The speaker is speechless! The congregation can’t see what’s going on up on stage! Disaster!  

Was it really?  We sometimes set out to worship our Lord whether it be in our church service or in our private devotion time~and things change. An unexpected death or accident occurs Saturday night, that completely changes the complexity of the Sunday morning service….the Pastor feels led of the Lord to change his message-which now in no way matches the song service (or so we think).  For some reason we find ourselves reading a different passage than what the ‘schedule’ says we should read on Tuesday. During our prayer time we find thoughts of a missionary family swarming our minds and ‘we can’t concentrate on’ what we SHOULD be praying about…and you can continue to add to the list.

We can’t fulfill our ‘duties’ because the Spirit of the Lord has interrupted our plans...

Psalms 46:10~Be still, and know that I am God…

We often use this verse to remind ourselves to slow down when we become overwhelmed with doing…

Let’s remember to consider this verse and allow God to be a part of our doing…to direct our doing!

Sometimes we just need to completely come to a standstill and appreciate the Spirit of the Lord in the circumstance.

There are no interruptions~~just opportunities!

He is good~His mercy endures forever!
