Wednesday, February 5, 2014

With Confidence.....Make sure to finish your sentence!

I've been busy….exhibiting confidence…. 

The semester has begun, and I am teaching a couple of ministry and Education classes at Baptist Bible College. I remember back in September when I was approached about teaching these classes…My response was...Me? Is there a ‘curriculum’ the previous teacher used? NO? You mean I have to develop the course as well? ME? Are you sure? Swallow…gulp..swallow.

Well, I am doing it... and enjoying it…and am comfortable with it….

So let’s go back to our initial CONFIDENCE post. Our emphasis was on the main definition of confidence…“The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something, -a firm trust.”

As a result of this early study on the word confidence, I have now become very conscientious about not using the word confidence in the following manner:

I have confidence!

     He played with confidence. 

          She taught with confidence.

Here’s my thought:

Remember in school when our teachers emphasized not ending a sentence with a preposition? I remember whenever I asked my mom where something was at, (sidenote: You wouldn’t believe the ‘argument’ I had with spellcheck to keep this sentence!) she always responded…'behind the at'. A preposition should always be used in a prepositional phrase—which means a preposition should never end a sentence. 

For example, 'Who are you writing this to?'….should be worded, “to whom are you writing?”

What are you looking for?…could be better written as, “Are you looking for anything in particular?”

I am sure you remember all going through all that in your high school or college English classes! Sometimes the sentence sounds strange when writing it correctly!

In much the same way, I have decided that it is also improper to end a sentence with the word confidence. Since confidence is based on a trust placed in someone or something, that someone or something should follow the word confidence in your sentence.

The salesperson should state, “I have confidence in this wonderful product!”

As mentioned in previous posts, the athlete should state, “I have confidence in my teammates!”

     ….He was confident in his training.

         ….She was confident in her research.

OR …I am confident in the One who has given me the abilities and talents to do what He has planned for me… 

As a result, there should be no more…

You want ME to….? Are you sure? Swallow…gulp..swallow.

I am confident of this very thing…He that has begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6)He has prepared me to perform His plan….Wow!~ the confidence that should  exude  from that thought!

With confidence, (in the One who has….)
