Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Word of the Year

Welcome to a new and promising year~2014!

2013 brought a lot of changes and challenges-some exciting, some tough. I knew God was pressing me to step out and exercise some of the talents and abilities He has given me that I have kept  hidden away in fear and uncertainty.

If you have been following LightThoughts from day one, you will recall that I even started this in fear and trembling!

This fall, the ladies at church participated in Priscilla Shirer's study of Gideon~(Main theme: CONFIDENCE). It was such a blessing, and I made some small strides forward as God pushed hard!

Then, one day last week a friend mentioned her word of the year for 2013 and discussed how much she grew from her in-depth study of that particular word. At that point I decided I was going to have a word of the year for 2014. And, that word was going to be CONFIDENCE

I determined that confidence is what I need to fulfill God’s plan for my life, and I am going to study the word at length and follow it through Scripture. 

Step one: Check out the definition in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Right from the start, my heart was pricked, and I could see the direction this would be going.

The number one definition of CONFIDENCE has nothing to do with self-assurance or how one feels about her own abilities or qualities. The number one definition is based on a firm trust---in someone or something else!

Confidence is: 
“The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something, -a firm trust.”

Before I can even begin to form some kind of self-assurance in myself, I must first fully rely on the Person who is asking me to ‘perform.’ I know that...but do I really, REALLY believe it?

As I reached this point, I came across one of Beth Moore’s Bible Studies, Believing God, where she emphasizes…It’s not whether you believe IN God, what matters is…Do you believe God? Talk about all the pieces fitting together!

So I begin this year of CONFIDENCE with Philippians 1:6~
                …being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Here is where my confidence begins….having full confidence/a firm trust in the One who guides my steps. It is based on who I am in Him. Once I fully believe (really really believe) Him, then I can work on the other definitions of my word of the year!

Follow along! I will share what I discover as I go along this journey!
Looking forward to when “I think I can” becomes “I know I can”!

Happy New Year!

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