Monday, May 11, 2015


Our church Ladies’ Ministry is currently going through Kelly Minter’s Bible Study entitled What Love Is based on 1, 2, 3 John.

As she was discussing the concept of the word remain found throughout John’s letters, I was reminded of Mandisa’s song “Overcomer”. 

This song has been forever engrained in my brain as it was a common music background for several cheer squads that performed at my granddaughter’s cheer competitions. Believe me, the strong parts of that song played in the strongest bass you can imagine…well, you can imagine!

As part of my granddaughter's cheer routines (she is a base-leader), we love to tease her about only being able to count to 8…usually starting at 5. That beat just becomes a part of who they are as cheerleaders….and part of those in the audience as well.

So, try to imagine that beat to that great song  4-5 times in a two hour time slot on high bass/high volume in a well known arena or convention center!

That brings me back to the I John passage Kelly Minter shared in her Bible Study. She shares that John uses the Greek word, MENO to remind his readers that we have the assurance that Christ will continue to abide, or remain in us as believers…and we have the ability to abide, or remain in Him.

Greek dictionaries state that MENO carries the following meanings:  not to depart; to continue; to be present; to be held; kept continually;…to endure. Strong’s Concordance defines the word this way, “to stay (in a given place, state, relation, or expectancy).”

Can’t you see (feel?) the confidence that oozes from these definitions? God promises to keep us continually~~to hold us! As a result, we can endurebe strong enough to go through all things (Philippians 4:13)! We can have the confidence to “to stay (in a given place, state, relation, or expectancy)” ~~to remain faithful!

As part of the Bible Study homework, we were asked to comment on what that thought makes us think about. The very first thing that boomed in my mind was, “5,6,7,8…Don’t quit, Don’t give in, You’re an overcomer!” It is written on page 76 in my Bible Study workbook!


Remain faithful!


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