Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Debbie's John 11 Awards

Since the beginning of the year, we have looked in depth at the encounter between Martha, Mary, and Jesus in Luke 10:38-42. (If you are just joining us in this study, please feel free to read previous posts that deal with the Luke 10 passage.) Now, we will focus on a second encounter between Jesus and Martha found in John chapter 11. As we look through this particular episode over the next several weeks, we can see if Martha has learned her lesson. Has she had a change in attitude? Does she respond differently this time around? 
 We will also see what lessons can be applied to our lives.  Can we see a change in our attitude? Our fears? How we see our ministry? How did we respond to our last stressful situation?  How will we respond to our next stressful situation?
Remember, it is not so much that we change our works, but that we change our motives for our works.

But first, I thought we would just provide a quick glimpse of John 11. There are several interesting nuggets that are easily overlooked in this chapter in our efforts to quickly get to the section that says, “Lord, by now he stinketh” and “Lazarus, come forth.”  That is just part of the story. What about the rest of the chapter?
With all the awards being shown on TV over the past few weeks, I thought I would present some John 11 awards to introduce us to the exciting and interesting events and comments found throughout the chapter.
                Debbie’s John 11 Awards
The Most-Puzzling Award: Verse 6- Jesus STAYED where He was for two more days. I thought He loved them very much?
 The Most Comical Verse Award: Verses 11- 12-(They definitely didn’t get it, did they?
 The Switch-a-roo Award: Verse 20-Martha runs to Jesus, while Mary stays with the guests?
 My Favorite Word Award: Verse 21-22-BUT ……I love coming across these contrasts! I have often thought, “I’d like to write a book about all the ‘buts’ in the Bible!
 Most Powerful Words Award: Verses 25-26- “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me , though he may die, he shall live.”
Most Important Words Award: Verse 26-Do YOU believe?
Most Surprising Response Award: Verse 28-Martha SENDS Mary to Jesus.
 Good Ol’ Martha Award: Verse 39-But, Lord….

Over the next few weeks we will study these ‘awards’ in more detail.  Next time we will set the stage as to what is about to take place and begin with a study of The Most-Puzzling Award. We will see how an understanding of this puzzling event can make our prayer life less puzzling!

I was going to make my closing..and the winner is..., but then, I realized it would say... And the winner is..., Debbie~~~Not a good closing  :). So I guess I will go without a fancy closing!

See you next time,


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