Wednesday, March 9, 2011

John 11~Most Puzzling Award~DOES He Care, Really?

From my teaching years, I remember the many teacher conferences I attended, both in Dallas and Kansas City. I even referred to one  I attended in Dallas 20 years ago in a previous segment. They always provided fun and fellowship and were usually beneficial in one way or another. After teaching for many years, there often wasn’t that much NEW material to be gained from the conferences, yet they were always informative, refreshing, and served as a reminder of what we should be doing in the classroom. Often, there were sessions that would serve as a good kick in the rear to encourage us to return to what we knew should be taking place with our students. Of course, we were also introduced to new techniques for presenting the routine concepts that often became common place to the seasoned teacher. So hearing something you already know in a new or different light can always serve as a reminder to get back on track.
That is what I trust takes place from this particular segment of John 11. The basic concept is nothing new to most of my readers. But, a good, refreshing reminder of how God handles our prayers can always be an encouragement when it seems as though He isn’t handling our prayers.
Earlier I awarded verse 6 “The Most Puzzling Award” of John 11. What Jesus did (or didn’t do) just didn’t make sense! Reading through this section of John 11 leaves readers scratching their heads! HUH? Why did He do that? I thought He loved this family? I don’t get it!
Have you ever thought that way when you prayed about a particular matter for either yourself or someone else? Did the ‘outcome’ leave you scratching your head and wondering what was up? Did it leave you doubting whether God truly loved you?
In verse 3, Mary and Martha sent word to the Lord that their brother, Lazarus was sick unto death. As mentioned last time, these two sisters, who probably depended greatly on their brother, were facing a time of crisis. They knew what to do~they went straight to Jesus. They knew Who He was. They knew He cared deeply for their family. They knew He could take care of the situation.
Isn’t that what we often do when we face a time of crisis? I trust you know Who He is, know that he cares deeply for you, and know He can take care of the situation.
But, what do we do when He responds like He did in verse 6?
It was a one day journey to the home of Martha and her family. When Jesus didn’t arrive the next day, I’m sure she worried and doubted. She may have even restated the question she so angrily asked in Luke 10:40~”Lord, don’t you care?
I wonder if the disciples scratched their heads and wondered why Jesus didn’t grab His gear and set out immediately for Bethany.
But, remember, Jesus is God. He KNEW exactly what was going on. He wasn’t shocked and surprised by the news that Lazarus was sick unto death. He KNEW that! He knew the eventual outcome. He even knew the purpose of this supposed crisis. He assured His disciples (verse 4) that Lazarus’ sickness would not END in death. He told them the event was taking place so that He would be glorified (magnified) through it.
These events took place as part of God’s plan for His Son and for Mary and Martha’s growth.  We saw in the previous blog segment how this event was used to teach Mary, Martha, their friends, the disciples, and US about God’s plan for the resurrection of His Son, and the HOPE we have as a result.  We will see how this event specifically affected Mary and Martha as we look further into the chapter in days to come.
The crises that take place in our lives are also part of God’s plan
~ that others may see Christ in our lives~
 and for our growth. The events and crises WE face do not come as a shock or a surprise to God either. He knows what is happening, why it is happening, and what the outcome will be.
The end of the story bore true. It didn’t END in death. God is God. He knew what He was doing!
It is the same way in our lives today. God may not answer our prayers right when we want Him to. He may not answer them the WAY we want Him to (so we think). But He DOES answer our prayers:
-in His timing
     -in His way
          -for His glory
               -for our good.
This is getting long enough. How about next time we continue to look into how God handles the events in our lives and better understand that He DOES care? After that we will go on to the next John 11 Award.
God is God-we’re not! He knows what He is doing. It is always for our good and for our growth.
Yes, friends~~He does care, REALLY!

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