Saturday, March 12, 2011

Your Life is a Tapestry

Last time we discussed lessons from John 11:1-6 that can be an encouragement and provide direction during a crisis. We discussed how God doesn’t always answer our prayers when WE want it done, or how WE want it done. We have discussed the hope we have in Christ as a result of His resurrection. Now, let’s see personally how that all plays out.
A few years ago we faced a crisis. It came as a shock and a surprise to our entire family. I cried and cried. Basically, I immediately began praying, “Lord, You ‘gotta’ fix this—now! This is serious, you know!”
Was God shocked and surprised? Of course not! Did He know it was serious? Yes!  But I had to ‘let Him know’!
At night, I rolled up into a tight ball and prayed “MY” prayer over and over-every night. During the day, I went about my responsibilities at school, church, and home like a zombie. My ‘what if’ thoughts were playing wildly in my mind! I was not at peace-I was in panic. Every night-every day the same thing. I even got tired of praying, because I was running out of words to express my heart-wrenching requests. Eventually, I was praying, “Lord, just do something. I don’t know what to say anymore.”
Then, it hit me. I was reminded that for years I had been teaching children under my care that God is God. No matter what takes place in your life, remember God knows what HE is doing. So trust Him and don’t worry about it. I have taught that lesson for years in many different forms. I had even taught it the Sunday night before 9-11! That was a “WOW!” moment! Now it was time for me to live it! I wasn’t doing very well. But, after that realization, things changed!
I realized I had a responsibility to continue to be faithful in my ministry at school, church, and home. I couldn’t continue as a zombie. I had to rely on God’s grace and peace and get on with my life. My prayers became more like Ephesians 3:16-18.

 Lord, please give me your strength to get through this crisis in such a way as to demonstrate your grace to others. Help me to remember that You love me, died for me, and are planning the best for me.

My prayers were then based on Genesis 50:20 “…But You meant it for good” and Romans 8:28-29~"...we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose…to be conformed to the image of his Son…"

My stiff, rolled-up body began to relax and unwind as I relied on Romans 8:26-27 and prayed, “Lord, humanly speaking, this is what I would like to see happen, nevertheless, thy will be done-and since I don’t necessarily know Your will through this-I’ll ‘let’ (smile) you handle it Your way".
Peace came. Strength came. Growth came.
I have compared this concept to a tapestry, needlepoint, or cross-stitch work. From the back side-what a mess.  You can’t tell what it is, and it doesn’t make any sense. Yet, on the top side, it becomes a beautiful picture for all to enjoy.
 Often our lives can be compared to the underside. Things seem to be a mess. We don’t know what is going on, and nothing makes any sense. Yet, God is the craftsman and sees the top side, and when it all comes down to it-we have a beautiful life for all to see. The artist receives all the compliments and praise.
I am reminded of a Stephen Curtis Chapman song entitled, “God is God.” The chorus goes like this:
God is God and I am not
I can only see a part
Of the picture He is painting.
God is God and I am man
So I’ll never understand it all,
For only God is God.
We will never understand it all-now. But the day will come, as a result of the Resurrection discussed in an earlier blog, when we will understand it all. We will see that it truly was ALL good! That is the HOPE in which we gain our strength and peace. The needle pokes may hurt like the dickens right now, but the ultimate picture will be a beauty!
Oh, and yes, good did come~A special young lady came to find Christ as her personal Savior! God used a bad situation to change a life for His Glory~~and definitely for her good!

Remember, God is God-You are not. Trust Him and rest in Him.
(shared with approval from those involved)

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