Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Diving In!

This morning I read through one of my favorite passages, Joshua 1:1-9 (please, take a moment and read these verses!) and thought that there is a lot of good stuff in that passage for LightThoughts. I mean stop and think for a minute about how this all transpired.


GOD: Joshua, Moses is dead. I want you to take over. In three days, I want you to lead the people across the flooding Jordan River and take up residence in a strange land that is already occupied with my enemies. Better get busy! Now, don’t be afraid or nervous (yeah, right)~don’t become discouraged. Remember, I have promised all this land to you and your (actually, my) people many years ago. I have prepared the way; everything is in order. Get everyone ready and GO!


JOSHUA: Yes, God. I will get them ready. In three days we will cross the Jordan that land you have promised to us, your people.


Pretty simple~nine verses~powerful message (that at one time I had memorized, along with my third grade classes).

We were going to enjoy the lessons of faith and courage from Joshua’s quick and compliant obedience, have a couple of laughs at the thought of it all, and be done with this week’s blog.


THEN~later in the day it hit me (rather God hit me with it)~~~It dawned on me, … I have recently become a “Joshua”!

Just a couple of hours ago, while writing some job related, stress-filled emails (from home!),  I realized that I needed this reminder from Joshua today.


I have recently been placed in a leadership role at my workplace. Eight months ago, I was kind of a helper leader~but a couple of months ago I was all of the sudden THE leader—you know with all the leadership responsibilities included.

 Make the decisions, 

       handle the conflicts, 

              make sure everything is running smoothly…

 Now, granted, the field (education) is very familiar, and I have had years and years of experience—but the leadership part is all new.

I went through all the emotions:


     I don’t think I’m cut out for that….,

        A lot of my weak areas are needed for leadership…. 

                    UH, can I do it? And so on………..


I have asked for book referrals on being a good leader, and am about to start one.  But today, I ‘found’(?) Joshua!        


So consider the following: Envision if you may~ 'Deborah 1:1-9'


GOD: Debbie, I want you to take this leadership position. Next year, I want to see a completely new ministry as you enter new ‘land’. Better get busy! Now, don’t be afraid or nervous! Don’t allow yourself to become discouraged. I have already planned out this endeavor and have chosen to put you in this position. Remember, I have promised to be with you always. Remember your love for Christian Education? I am placing you back there in a different role~I know you can do it! Remember, those long ago dreams of preparing a Bible Curriculum?~Well, you better get on it! This is where I want you right now, and I wouldn’t place you there without guiding you through. NOW, DO IT!


ME: Yes, God. I will step into the Jordan and allow you to lead me as I lead my Little Patriots!

God has used the events and opportunities of the past year to provide the necessary confidence and organization necessary to begin~~so here goes. As Stephen Curtis Chapman would say, “Sink or Swim, I’m Diving in!”


Joshua 1:1-9

Plug your nose and jump in~


PS~I will still be doing my purse business (Can’t use brand on here)!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday~Sombering or Sobering?

Good Friday~How do you describe it?
Is it a sad day or a joyous day? How should it make us think or feel? Does Good Friday cause us to be sober or somber in our thoughts?

I am sure that that day so many years ago brought sadness to many, yet brought ‘relief’ to so many others. Yet to one, it was sobering. One lone Roman soldier stopped to think~~
what is this really all about?

'Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures' (I Corinthians 15:3). It is sad to think that an innocent, righteous Man~the Creator of the Universe died such a horrific death that day in Jerusalem so many years ago. It is even sadder to think that He died for sinful humans like you and me! Yet, it is for our hope and salvation that He so graciously agreed to take that punishment for our sakes. But does that really make it a happy occasion? I would think not. Rather, I find this somber (dark and dreary) event to be quite sobering (an event that tends to make one thoughtful).-Definitions from Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Take a moment to take on the role of the Roman Soldier in Matthew 27. Stop and contemplate~why did this event take place? Why did this innocent Man agree to endure the awful death on the cross, hanging between a robber and a murderer? 

He did it to fulfill the promises of Genesis 3 that God would provide the redemption to salvage the relationship between Himself and mankind after Adam and Eve sinned and brought sin and death to all mankind. He did it because of the words found in John 3:16:

For God so loved the World, that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Upon realization of what was taking place before his eyes, the Roman soldier fell to his knee and proclaimed “Surely, this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:54).

Before concluding, let’s take a look at the rest of 1 Corinthians 15:3. Paul considered the following to be of utmost importance (and so do I) “…that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures.

Yes, Easter Sunday is a day of rejoicing! The sad, somber events of the crucifixion had turned to joy! Oh, the joy of those dear ladies must have felt upon hearing, “He is not here, He is risen~~just like He said!”

But, on this Good Friday, I invite you, like the Roman soldier, to make this a sobering day~a day to stop and think~ Surely this was the Son of God! And, on Sunday, rejoice in the fact that He lives!

Call upon Him today as the Lord and Savior of YOUR life!

From one of my favorite songs,
I serve a living Savior~~