Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lessons from the Past

I came across an interesting passage in Genesis this week. And, even though it is from a familiar story and has been read and taught numerous times, something different ‘stuck out’ this time around. It is not anything funny or cutesy this time. Matter of fact, it is something pretty ‘dog-gone’ serious.

My Sunday School lesson last week was about Ananias and Sapphira, and I made it a point to emphasize the seriousness of what God had to say through this incident in early church history. Well, I’m thinking that all the way back to the beginning of time He had some serious lessons for us to grasp. The imbedded lesson in today’s passage has implications just as serious as those from Acts 5.

Before we start, however, let’s take a moment to look at 1 Corinthians 10:11.  Just as Paul admonished the Corinthian believers to learn from these examples (verses 1-10) God expects us, as well, to learn some lessons from the events He has chosen to include in Scripture. Don’t you think we should all take these lessons more seriously than we often do?

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition… (1 Corinthians 10:11).

In Genesis 20:1-7ff we find the incident when Sarah and Abraham lie to Abimelech regarding Sarah’s true identity. Abimelech pleads his case before God. God excuses Abimelech, provides a solution, and then gives a strong warning~~ Fix this now..” (vs. 7). Then God finishes the sentence with “…or you (and your family) will surely die”. I would say that is a pretty stern warning, wouldn’t you?

God is gracious and understanding. He understands our human weaknesses. He understands that sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in a bind. Even though ‘ignorance is no excuse for the law’ (as my mom always said), God and His mercy come through for us time and time again. But, just as He said to Abimelech all those years ago, God has every right to say to us now, “Here (as laid out in God’s Word) is what you need to do to fix it. Do it now,…~~or less!”

Has God delivered you from a potentially ‘dangerous’ situation? Has He given you a second chance when you’ve found yourself caught up in something deeper than you could handle? Has He shown His mercy in spite of unintended circumstances?  I think all of us can say YES to those questions!  Based on 1 Corinthians 10:11, I am guessing that as the All-mighty, Sovereign, Creator God places us back on our feet, He could say-just as He said to Abimelech- Follow my instructions in this matter—What would we do if we actually heard Him add, ..or less.”   

I think we tend to play around with God way too much, and most of the time, we don’t take Him and His WORD seriously. Maybe the examples of Ananias, Sapphira, and Abimelech should open our eyes and cause us to begin to take His warnings more seriously! God means business!

Yes, we serve the God of second chances, and often the God of third and fourth chances~~but… 

 I don’t want to sound like an alarmist, and I am not a prophet that knows His plan for our lives, but I trust that we all stop and think, that with each one of those ‘chances’--- are we really pushing it?

Learn from the second chance~

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Whose Understanding?

When I started this segment, this first sentence was going to read, “today’s segment stems from two verses that uniquely fit together to maybe bringing some sense to the day to day events that often leave us scratching our heads in an attempt to figure out what God is doing.” By the time I finished, those two verses stretched to three…and inevitably beyond that.
Well, let’s get on with the point at hand.
Have you said those infamous words, “I don’t understand!”?
     I don’t understand why XYZ happened!
             I don’t understand why XYZ DIDN’T happen!
                    I don’t understand why XYZ IS happening!
Been there?
Then we take a deep breath and back off a bit as we remember all the things we have learned about God and His plan for our lives. But, our next step always seems to be like Jeremiah in Jeremiah 12:1 (thanks, Michael)… “God, I know you’re righteous, but can I talk to you minute about what’s going on in my world, because it’s not making much sense”Debbie’s version.
So, basically, we’re still not ‘getting it’, are we?
Well, sure enough, while wrestling through Jeremiah 12:1, a friend posted Proverbs 20:24 on his FB page (Thanks, Vic):
A man’s steps are of the Lord. How then can a man understand His own way?
Now, I ‘get it’…We’re NOT SUPPOSED to get it!
We’re not CAPABLE of getting it!  
Do you suppose that is why God gave us Proverbs 3:5?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not (don’t depend) on your OWN understanding. 
Be encouraged by the fact that you don't understand because you're not capable of understanding. But, rest assured, you can trust the ONE who does understand! 
I find it interesting how God’s Word all fits together. This verse leads to that verse, and that verse leads to yet another verse…and on it goes.
And it keeps on going…and going…and going.
“Get it?”

Monday, March 5, 2012

Caution: Yielding may be Dangerous!

I trust you have enjoyed a smile from Genesis 17:19 and Psalm 62:9, as well as a boost of encouragement. One friend said Genesis 17:19 (Taking a Detour) stepped on all ten toes, sorry Martha! My daughter in law commented on having a bad people day just seconds after I posted ‘Lighter than Air’!

This week’s verse may not have the comical appeal like last week’s, but it is just as powerful, and the message is just as important to our Christian walk.

I decided upon today’s verse last Wednesday evening as my husband was speaking from Proverbs 7. Once again, one small phrase stuck out and caused me to say, “That’s it!” The theme of this chapter is Solomon’s warning to his son, and all young boys under his tutelage ~BEWARE! He was warning them to beware of the ‘strange’ woman (who represents sin and foolishness) and her deceptive ways. The implication for us is to beware of the deceptiveness of sin as it creeps up on us with enticing words and pictures. If we are not careful, we find ourselves trapped and stuck with the consequences.

So, just how do the lies and deceptions of the world manage to get us into those situations?

Verse 21 struck me as the key to our response to the sinful enticements that are thrown at us on a regular basis. “…and caused him to yield”. That is when we find ourselves in trouble. Satan lures us with flattery and sensationalism in an effort to get our attention. Once those enticements cause us to yield~~cause us to stop and think about it~~we are hooked!

This reminds me of the children’s song, “Be Careful Little Ears What you Hear, Be Careful Little Eyes What you See…..  or, the adult version,  Slow Fade” by Casting Crowns.  Enjoy the link below when you are finished reading! 

I remember learning about the word ‘yield’ as a child. I had always thought of it as a positive word; something we were SUPPOSED to do. Then when I started reading it in the Bible as a negative word (something we WEREN’T supposed to do), I was confused. Confused, of course, until my mom explained what ‘yield’ really meant.~Slow down, maybe even stop, long enough to think on it~

That is exactly why scripture says yield NOT to temptation~Don’t take the time to think on it!

Take heed from Solomon’s warning: 

Don’t allow the illusions of this world to “…cause you to yield.”
