Friday, August 23, 2013

Beautiful YOU

Duh alert~

I was watching my grandson change his Mii on our Wii system the other morning (which he likes to do a lot). He asked me if I wanted to change mine. I said, “No, E, I like mine just the way it is.”

After our conversation, I continued that thought.  I said to myself, “I created that Mii just the way I wanted to and like her just as she is.” Then, I smacked myself on the forehead (theoretically, of course) and thought, “My goodness, that is exactly what God thinks”—and we, like my grandson, are always wishing we could change our appearance every chance we get!

Just a ShortThought today!

You are beautiful, just the way you are!

Enjoy your Mii,

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sights and Sounds of College Move-in Day

I was able to witness a variety of scenes today as I greeted new students and families on Move-in Day at the college where my husband and I work.

There may not be any particular scripture to go along with this LightThought, but it definitely will bring a smile or two---or maybe even a cringe or two.

From my vantage point as greeter/door opener to Station One in the process, I was able to view a big portion of the campus and see families coming and going to and from the various stations along the ‘get everything taken care of before you get your key’ path!

I saw:

One dad sitting in a nice, shady area reading while his son went through the process on his own.

New students walking with their guide while mom and dad lagged slightly behind.

Mom and Dad walking with the guide while the student lagged slightly behind.

Mom walking with the guide while Dad and student lagged slightly behind.

Mom approach the table at Station One first and introducing her child to the volunteers.

Student approach the table at Station One first and initiating the process.

Mom carrying the black enrollment folder with THE checklist.

Student carrying the black enrollment folder with THE checklist.

Student looking frantically for mom and dad before proceeding to the next station.

Mom who asked student, “Did you ask where the bathroom was?”

Student arriving at Station One with mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and all the siblings.

Single, true Freshmen arriving on their own (without parents).

I laughed at some sights and shook my head at others, yet had to hold back some tears for the last group.  Yep, we can laugh at those ‘Helicopter Parents”, but at least they were there!

Prayers for our students,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Crazy Driver?

A few weeks ago I posted a blog segment entitled, ‘Finishing the Race’-June 10, 2013. I was reminded of that segment when the following ‘thought’ came to my mind! 

As a disclaimer, my heart motive is pure, and I by no means want to come across as disrespectful!

A lot of changes have been taking place in my career and ministry this summer…unexpected changes! While trying to keep track, the following popped into my funny little creative mind! It kind of reminds me of driving in Springfield!

Envision this:

I am 'driving' along following ‘the car’ in front of me (God-laying out my lifepath) as carefully as I can. Things are moving along smoothly when all the sudden ‘the car’ in front of me makes an abrupt stop and a sharp left turn (without even signaling!). Right after I catch my breath from that ‘close call’, ‘he’ makes another abrupt stop and makes a sharp right turn—of course, without signaling! I am not sure if any more of those abrupt stops and turns lie ahead because this car in front of me is now driving very slowly and cautiously on a small Farm Road with signs posted every few miles that read, “Blind Curves Ahead”.  I guess I should trust ‘this guy’ in front of me and follow as closely and carefully as I can!

Does your life ever feel like you are driving in Springfield (or wherever you choose to complain about drivers!)?  Trust the One who paved the route, follow closely, and proceed cautiously!  Oh, and the car behind you…that’s the tow truck! (See Finishing the Race...)

Drive Safely~~
