Friday, December 20, 2013

Let God be a Blessing to you this Christmas!

Several years ago on my way to youth camp as a counselor, our Youth Pastor offered to buy me a COKE (a soda or a pop to those not from Texas). Knowing that he was a ‘poor’, financially strapped young Youth Pastor and that I was a financially stable middle-aged teacher, I promptly replied, “No! You’re not going to buy me a drink. I will buy yours!” To which he promptly (and firmly), replied, “Mrs. Christopher, will you please let me bless you!  He paid.

A few weeks later, a first year teacher offered to pay for my lunch during Teacher Orientation week (because I had helped her so much that week). I replied the same way as I had a few weeks earlier on the way to camp. She replied the same way our Youth Pastor replied. She paid.

These two dear people in my life just wanted to be a blessing to me…and I wasn’t going to let them.

Yesterday, after reading the Christmas devotional our church is using for the 12 Days of Christmas these two events popped back into my mind, and I saw them from a different light. 

There is Someone else who wants to be a blessing in our lives….and we just don’t let Him!

Emmanuel~God with us….

That is what Christmas is all about! God so loved the world that He…sent His Son to live amongst us on that eventful, hectic morning in Bethlehem so many years ago. He loves us so much that He wants to be a part of our day to day lives. He took the punishment for our sinful lives and rose again, ascending into Heaven, preparing our future home! He left His Spirit to live in our hearts NOW, so that the peace of God can indwell us richly and give us abundant life!  God with us!

The purpose of that devotion was to point out that because of Christmas, we don’t have to struggle with loneliness at this time of the year. God is with us!

Then the devotion writer closed with these words~
"Let your Savior love on you."

As I read those words, I once again heard Pastor Kevin say, “Mrs. Christopher, will you please let me bless you!

So often our friends are right there when those troublesome circumstances arise in our lives.  Perhaps you yourself have even said these words to a dear friend.

  •   If you need anything, just call!
  •   I’m here if you ever need a hug!

  •   Call me. I’ll be there in a flash!

  •   Let me know when you need some lovin’

  •   Call us…and let us love on you

Have you heard these? Have you said these?  Have you taken someone up on these? Have you neglected to take someone up on these words?

I have never stopped to think about God saying them. Yet, He does…all the time…all through Scripture…yet, for some reason, we neglect to take Him up on His offer and choose to sit around bemoaning our loneliness.

Let Him ‘buy your COKE’ or ‘pay for your lunch’…

Let God be a blessing to YOU!

Emmanuel~God with us!

This holiday season, let the Savior love on you!

Merry Christmas,

Monday, December 9, 2013

Who is Your Epaphras?

I was thinking about my blog series over Colossians 3 from a couple of years back. I am considering expanding this Bible Study to cover the entire book. So, today, I was carefully reading chapter one and thinking through various sections of the chapter. While doing so, a phrase in verse 7 stuck out. As Paul is introducing his letter to the church at Colosse, he refers to his faithful companion mentioned throughout his letters, his friend and co-laborer, Epaphras.

Paul reminds the believers at this church that is was Epaphras who shared the gospel message with them, and Paul acknowledges his labor of love for the Colossian believers.

Paul states, “You learned it from Epaphras….”

That got me thinking…From whom did I ‘learn’ it? Who faithfully shared the gospel message with me some 45 years ago?

I think back on my faithful parents, of course, who shared God’s Word to my brother and me at home and made sure we had the opportunity to hear it at church as well. Then, I remembered faithful Sunday School teachers and other Children’s Ministry workers at our little church in Homestead, Florida. It was a result of all their teaching, their example, and, of course, the wooing of the Holy Spirit that led me to the point of calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10:13).  I thank God for those dear folks. Some I have lost contact with, some I may not even remember, others I know have gone on to Heaven, and some continue to be faithful to the Lord to this day!

So, take a minute, and think…Who is the Epaphras in YOUR life? Paul encouraged the Colossians to be thankful to God for Epaphras... so take a moment to thank God for the Epaphras in your life! (And, yes, there may be more than one, but I didn’t want to ‘fight’ with the proper way to make an ‘s’ ending word plural!   Epaphrases?).

And, when we flip the coin, consider this…Have YOU had the opportunity to be an Epaphras in someone else’s life? Maybe you haven’t directly had the opportunity to lead someone to the Lord, but according to 1 Corinthians 3:6, I trust you have had a part!

Thank you “Miss Carroll” and “Uncle Joe”!

Be an Epaphras!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Keep your Lamp Burning!

I now have a new favorite verse! 

Usually when people ask me to share my favorite verse, I say I have too many…one for each situation that may arise!   But yesterday, I found THE one that should fit every situation that may pop up!

Before I share the verse, however, I want to share the thought that leads into that.

How often have you said to God, “Yes, I know I agreed to XYZ, but THIS isn’t exactly what I had in mind!”? 

Well, that is exactly what I have been saying for the last few days while scratching my head and trying to figure it all out. God has thrown me for a loop. He has thrown us a curve ball!

And, then, sure enough, in my Bible Study Monday morning “MY” new verse popped up!

Luke 12:35
Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning! (NIV)

   ….Because you never know.


I shared the verse with my daughter who was aware of my ‘thrown loop’…and she replied, “Thaaat’s funny!” Sometimes I guess all we can do is laugh!

So, when life throws you a curve ball….Remember the familiar verses like Romans 8:28-29 and 1 Corinthians 10:13, but also remember Debbie’s now favorite verse... 

Luke 12:35
Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning! (NIV) ….Because you never know!

Next time you see me, remember to ask, “Debbie, what’s your favorite verse?”

Keep your lamp burning~~because you never know!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Remember the Rain!

Well, if you were driving on West By-Pass when I was yesterday afternoon, and you wondered where the rain went….Let me tell you!

God demonstrated His greatness to defeat my forgetfulness!

In the Bible Study in which I am currently participating, a discussion question in one of the early lessons asked us to consider reasons why our culture (or ourselves) tend to ignore God. We were to discuss different options hinted at in Judges 2:10. One, either they just didn’t (don’t) know God, or two, they didn’t (don’t) know what all God has done. I offered a third possible reason… because I know me! Number three, we don’t stop to remember what God has done. We know Him. We know what He has donebut so often we forget what He has done!  Then, lo, and behold, I got a lesson in that thought yesterday!

My out of town infant granddaughter and her mom have been in town visiting, and I was taking the baby with me to pick up the local grandkids from school. As I was driving down to the school, it started pouring-I mean POURING down rain. Immediately I go into a panic attack~~ “What am I going to do when I get to the school?” “I can’t take her and the car seat out of the car in THIS!” “It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to call the school and have them bring the kids to the car!” “What am I going to do!

Then, immediately, the rain just stopped!~~~and I recognized the hand of God. I do believe I heard, “HELL-O?” And, right then I prayed (and, yes, you can pray while driving!), “Lord, please let the rain be stopped when I get to the school”.  Then, it started raining hard again!   But, it wasn’t raining when I got to the school. Baby, car seat, and grandma got out of the car and into the school—and all back in just as dry as could be!

I thought of Mark chapter 4~when Mark recorded the incident on the Sea of Galilee when the disciples had the same concerns I did!  In my case, verse 40 would read, “HELL-O!” and verse 41 would read, “Well, duh, Debbie….you didn’t even stop to consider praying~you just went straight to worrying”

I know God. I know is good and have seen Him to great things….I just tend to forget!  When I do, He tends to remind me!

As we were heading back to the car, one of my dear granddaughters said, “Grandma, good thing it’s not raining right now!”  My response?  “Yes, dear. Wasn’t it special that Jesus stopped it from raining on us?”

Dear Lord, thank you for stopping the rain~~~and for the lessons you teach us every day. Please help us to always remember!

Remember the rain!

Bible Study: Gideon by Priscilla Shirer (Lifeway)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

That Inner Circle

I am currently participating in Lifeway’s 'Gideon' Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer. Today’s lesson smacked me between the eyes and allowed me to ‘see’ something to which I had previously been blinded.

How many of you are so busy trying to find ‘your ministry’ that you overlook the ‘ministry’ staring you right in the face? Maybe by the time you have finished reading this, you will recognize it!

In today’s lesson, Priscilla Shirer pointed us to Judges 6:27. Before Gideon could begin his ‘ministry’ as one of Israel’s Judges, he had to take care of some ‘ministry’ business at home! First things first! She then directed us to Genesis 18:19 where God stated that Abraham was to teach his children and household to keep the ways of the Lord~before he became the father of an entire nation!

So often we dream about having a huge impact on others, that we forget that we are impacting those closest to us right now! We are so busy LOOKING for a ‘ministry’, that we don’t SEE the one right in front of us!

We were encouraged in today’s study to complete a Circle of Influence~you know, comparing our lives to Acts 1:8…Too often we put so much of our emphasis (and don’t get me wrong, it must be emphasized!) on ‘what can I do to influence/reach the uttermost parts of the world?’, that we neglect our own personal ‘Jerusalem’!

In my second circle (the first one being impacting myself!), I wrote down those three local grandkids I have the privilege of impacting regularly! Yet, my concern has been, “what new ministry can I become involved with at my new church?”, (once again, not a bad thing!), rather than, “In what specific, planned out, and intentional ways can I impact my grandkids?” 

We tend to overlook the inner circles and jump to worrying about how we can impact the outer circles. Why is that? Maybe we are more intimidated by the inner circles? Maybe you are in a situation where you truly fear the inner circles? Many, like me, find it easier to speak to a room full of strangers than to the inner circle~~Who knows why….  Whatever the reason or excuse, I recognized very quickly that my responsibility right now is my inner circle!

I loved the thought I wrote down in my Bible Study book~ My greatest impact is right here, right now in the ordinary rhythms of daily living (based on Priscilla’s statement on page 63).

I posted that as my #LessonsFromGideon hashtag comment. I also knew it was a LightThought (although not so LIGHT!) that I had to share.

What about you?
      Who are you ‘wishing’ you could impact? 
Who ARE you impacting~right here and right now?
We can’t be used in the outer circles if we can’t be found faithful in the inner circles!

In the words of the Toby Mac song, “City on our Knees”~

If you gotta start somewhere, why not here...

If you gotta start sometime, why not now…..

Become a part of the inner circle!
