Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Just What are Increased Talents?

 It’s ‘funny’…I guess I should say pretty amazing…how God takes His Word from a sermon three weeks ago and whacks  you over the head with it (lovingly, of course) right when you need it! 

The stewardship parable in Matthew 25:14ff has always been a confusing parable to me. Even though the ‘talents’ referred to in this passage refer to a monetary unit of exchange, it can be compared to being given a specific responsibility or resource.  I understood how to invest money, but how does one invest responsibilities…add more responsibilities?  

Our pastor spoke on this topic three weeks ago to begin our annual Stewardship Month at church. Each week since, he has reviewed and reiterated that main point in the following manner. “When you stand before the Lord with what He has given you, will you be able to present it back to Him in a ‘better’ condition”?  

Or, as described in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary, have I developed the resources God has entrusted to me?

Suddenly it made sense. It is not a matter of developing or creating MORE talents/gifts or responsibilities, but improving upon and developing the ones we have been given and using what has been bestowed upon us more effectively.

I was pretty pleased with myself for saying, “Now I get it!” But I didn’t apply it till last Sunday morning…(Yes, I had to fight to keep myself from thinking this through during the sermon!)

God blessed me with the desire and the ability to teach from my early toddler/preschool years of teaching my baby dolls. My mom always said that she knew I would be a teacher from the time I was three years old. 

I’ve developed that ‘talent’ by continually increasing my education through special high school classes, college, numerous seminars and conferences, and a post-grad degree. I have had many years of experience in a variety of venues and opportunities.  Yep, I have improved upon that God-given responsibility/talent throughout my life…and continue to use that talent to minister to and teach others.


I also recognize that I have had a desire (and, I feel) a talent for writing since my high school journalism days (see archives…January 2011-blog #1). I’ve realized that a God-given desire/talent actually means a God-given responsibility...


What have I done to improve upon and use that  ‘talent’ more effectively?  Not much. I’ve practiced with it. I’ve used it-tentatively.  But, have I really put enough into improving and/or developing that responsibility to deem it more effective? Will I be able to present this ‘talent’ back to the Lord in a ‘better’ condition?

Even though I am sharing these thoughts for you to consider in your life, I’m beginning to think that I am secretly writing to myself! 

Ok, Debbie…what ARE you going to do about it?    
I am challenging myself to be accountable and keep you informed about the developmental steps along my journey.

What about you?  Do you have some God-given interests/talentsor responsibilities that you need to start developing…before the Master returns? 

Time to start developing…

Friday, January 23, 2015

Remembering Past Goals

 I'm back! A new part-time job that took a lot of full-time to get started kept me away for awhile. But, as you will see, I am ready to get back at it!

Two weeks ago our son was sharing with us about his next goal at his workplace. He had been made aware of an opening that interested him. He immediately began asking questions as to how he could prepare himself for that position should it come open again in the future. He is already working towards those requirements.

I expressed to him how proud I was that he continued to have a goal for his next stage in life.  He, my husband, and I talked about how important that was and how everyone should have a next step goal.

I got to thinking about myself. Do I have a next step goal? What could it be? From the position I am in currently, the next career step would involve full-time. That doesn’t interest me at all. The next educational step would involve a PhD or DRE….sorry, but that doesn’t excite me either. So, I was left with….Is there a next step? You mean,  there is no goal? That sounds so counter-productive considering our family conversation.

As I was getting ready for work a couple of days ago, I had a random (God-given) thought about one of the blog posts I wrote a few years ago. I was reminded that it had been awhile since I have written (I haven’t written much since I began my part-time teaching). I had thought about it, but a topic never seemed to come to mind.

After reviewing this particular post, I remembered how much I love writing and how I had once considered having one of my blog series published. How could I have forgotten about that? Then it hit me…..that had once been my next step goal, and when I reached a next step (back to teaching), I neglected to move writing to my next, next step.

I do have a next step goal. But, I need to start working towards it. So, this post is my next post. Now I just need to take those steps, as my son did, to start preparing to reach that next level.  I plan to start looking into the publication process and taking specific, well-placed steps towards that goal.

Prayers appreciated!
