Wednesday, May 25, 2011

INTRODUCING: Cleaning out the Closet...of your heart (Updated)

Please note: I wrote this study from Colossians a couple of years ago. I am coming back to it to do some tweaking and hopefully publish! Any feedback, suggestions, or encouragement...and your prayers will be appreciated!~~Debbie

Not too long ago, a friend called me beaming with joy over a verse she had come across while reading her Bible. I was taken back, as her conversations over the past few days had been sorrowful and tearful, as she was dealing with a difficult situation in her life. The passage she had ‘discovered’ was Colossians 3:12-14. She went on and on with her joyful proclamation that she was determined to start living that passage and was confident this would bring new found joy to her hurting heart! I sat there just flabbergasted at what was taking place. 

And, to top it off, I was going through a pretty tough time myself with some issues, and when she read those verses, they slapped me upside the head. I realized there was a lot in that passage I needed to live as well.

So, when a family member asked me recently to share some good growth verses with her-that is where I decided to begin~~with Colossians chapter 3. After prayer and consideration, I have decided to use this chapter as my next series in "Light Thoughts"

The bulk of our Bible study will take place from verses 5-17. Since verse 5 begins with the all-important word, THEREFORE, we should (as I have heard numerous pastor's say...) find out what it is there forTherefore (I couldn’t resist), we will start with some background material from Colossians. Next time we will begin this journey and look at the overall purpose of Paul’s letter to the Colossian believers so as to glean a general idea for the principles and instructions of chapter 3.

I encourage you to take some time over the next couple of days to read Colossians 3 and get a head start on what we will entitle "Cleaning out the Closet....of your heart".

Until then,


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