Monday, November 7, 2011

My OOPS from Last Week

It has been a week since I posted my Proverbs 3:5-6 blog, and just now realized the MAJOR typo in my publication! I left out the phrase, “…and lean not unto your own understanding”! How in the world did I manage to do that and how did I not catch it? I referred to it and made the concept the theme of the post~ but…. 

So, now I guess this gives me an opportunity to fix it and emphasize that part one more time before returning to Colossians. Since everything happens for a purpose, maybe someone needed to read it one more time. So, here we go again…

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your steps.

It is when you don’t understand what is going on and when you don't understand why something may be happening in your life that you need to rely on the promise of this passage. In our finite, human minds we don’t always understand. Things don’t always make sense. We can’t always figure things out ourselves. BUT, remember, God is God. He knows what He is doing~ and it always turns out for our best.

I think I will return to this at a future date and dive into the entire section (verses 1-8) as mentioned last week.

I know this isn’t my normal in-depth Bible Study, but I wanted to clear up the mistake from last week and offer one more word of encouragement from this awesome passage.

I hope to return to Colossians 3 next week!

Remember, don’t depend on how you understand the situation in which you find yourself, but rather~trust and rely on the Lord.


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