Friday, January 6, 2012

The Controversy

Well, ladies~~Here I sit~about to venture into the dangerous, dark waters of dealing with a ‘controversial’ passage.

My first thought, however, is, why do we label portions of scripture as ‘controversial’? Why are there ‘controversial’ passages? Have you ever considered the word controversial anyway? It has nothing to do with fact. There is nothing inherent in the verse that makes it controversial. It is the reader that determines the ‘controversialality’ of a passage~~not the verse!

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines controversial as ‘something that arouses opposing views’. When Paul (under the direction of God and the Holy Spirit) penned the words now known as Colossians 3:18 in his letter to the Colossians believers, he was not attempting to arouse opposing views. He was encouraging a group of young believers as to how God expected their new life in Christ to exhibit goodness, humility, patience, meekness, forgiveness, and love (you know, all those new outfits in our heart’s closet-[see late summer/fall archives]). He wrote these words to admonish a new Christ-like lifestyle in their home as well (Colossians 3:18-20).

His purpose was to teach, admonish, and motivate; not to arouse opposing views. 

So, it is the reader that has taken this verse and set out to arouse opposing views. WHY?

If we, as believers, accept the Bible as God’s Word; His love letters to His most precious creation, His instruction book for a living a Christ-like, joy-filled life…. If we accept the Scriptures to be God-breathed and without error… Why then do we consider this portion to be any different?

I am not setting out to try to diffuse the views of unbelievers. This is for those of us who have chosen, by our belief in Christ, to accept God’s Word as described above. Many who accept the above description of the infallible and inerrant Word of God, draw the line at Colossians 3:18. Why is that?

Many who proclaim that Christ rules their life, or proclaim “I will do whatever You want me to do, Lord” stick their palm in God’s face and say, ‘UNH, UNH God, I’m not doing that!”  Why?

Why is it that we can sing, “I Have to Decided to Follow Jesus”, but when He tells us that as part of agreeing to follow Him, we must follow our husbands~that He gave us~, we refuse and put up a fuss?

If you consider Colossians 3:18 to be a controversial verse-if you feel it arouses an opposing view in your heart, I trust you will think on the above thoughts this week, open your heart, and be willing to dig into this passage to consider what it is really saying.

Maybe it is because we don’t really understand what God was really telling us in this verse. Maybe we have replaced His intent with our own definitions and expectations?

Next week, we will hopefully ease some fears and consider some erroneous thoughts about the word submission and discuss what this verse DOES NOT mean before delving into what it does mean!

It's all or nothing, ladies!


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